
Exploring Kaohsiung

To get from Taipei to Kaohsiung, Arthur and I took a high speed train that only took an hour and a half. It was super easy, and very comfortable! The hardest part was carrying all of our bags. Arthur even had to carry 3 bags at one time because mine were so heavy! 

We've been in Kaohsiung for about a week now, and I am loving each day more than the last! There is so much to explore in this great city. The first day we got here we were completely lost. Our hotel was in the middle of nowhere - at least thats what it felt to us because there was NOTHING in English anywhere. Not even the staff spoke English. This was probably my first experience of culture shock. 

The next day we met up with our friends Ally and Justin and went to check out the University. The campus is absolutely stunning!! It is right at the base of a mountain, on the waterfront. The dorms are actually pretty nice too! Decently spacious and clean with tons of storage room. We also encountered a family of monkeys playing in the trees! 

Lantern Festival
While checking out the campus, we met a guy from Germany named Richard, and we all decided to go walk around Kaohsiung and go grab some food. We found a great Taiwanese restaurant with a little Western influence. After this we walked to the Love River and checked out another lantern festival. These festivals are so colourful and cheerful. Later on, we found out that the lantern "floats" were made by local junior students. Very impressive! We then got to watch the most amazing fireworks that lit up the sky over the spectacular Love River. 

The next day, we moved into the dorms. With not too many people moved in yet, things were pretty quiet. We decided to go to Ikea, Costco, and Carrefour to stock up on supplies for our rooms.

The following day Arthur and I decided to walk around the city. It was a beautiful day, at around 27 degrees and sunny. We stumbled across this amazing outdoor art and sculpture show that was on a path leading up to the river. 

Friday was orientation day. We got to meet all the other exchange students, and learn about our classes and some of the activities that are being planned for the semester. Classes don't officially start until March 8th. They have a very strange system for registration. This week we will go to "preview classes" to see which ones we want to take. At the end of the week we "register" for classes, but we have to wait to get an e-mail from administration whether or not we got into the classes we selected. I will be taking one mandarin class, and two management electives. I am very excited to start classes. Later that day Arthur and I decided to rent scooters for the semester. These scooters are virtually all over Kaohsiung, and almost all students here get one. At first I was a little skeptical, but after riding my friends' scooter for a while, I realized how east and fun they were. They don't go very fast, but they sure do make navigating the city a lot easier. I even got a sweet hot pink helmet! Later that night Arthur and I met with Justin and Ally to check out a night market. Streets are filled with vendors selling food and clothes. Everywhere you look there is loads to buy and at extremely low prices. We were starving and got these amazing pizzas that are made into a cone with crepes. Mmmmm.....

Beach Day
That weekend the ISA (International Student Association) had some activities planned for us. Saturday we went to the black sand beach that is right on campus to go wind surfing and kayaking. I preferred to stay on land because it was pretty windy that day and the water was rough. 

On Sunday we took a short ferry ride to a nearby island called Cijin Island. This place is famous for their seafood. We climbed up to the lighthouse that provided a spectacular view of the city and University. We then visited an old prison at the top of a mountain. We then walked down to the beach where the streets are concentrated with all kinds of street food. I was feeling kind of adventurous so I tried squid on a stick that they cook on the BBQ with sauces and spices. It was actually delicious! Maybe I'll try something new today...or maybe tomorrow ;) 

Lighthouse on Cijin Island

Temple at Cijin

Till next time,


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